2 Indian words with a Sanskrit meaning,
Akshaya= Immortal, Indestructible, Inexhaustible
Patra= Vessel
Akshaya= Immortal, Indestructible, Inexhaustible
Patra= Vessel
The organization, Akshaya Patra, http://www.akshayapatra.org/ has given an entirely new meaning to these 2 sanskrit words.
Their slogans say,
Feed a Child
Click a smile
No child must be deprived from food
Children can learn faster than you can imagine, all it takes is a filling meal
This is my 100th post and i don't think it would have been any more special without this worthy and outstanding cause. Thanks to http://www.indiblogger.in/topic.php?topic=31 for such an opportunity to blog and feed 50 more children. Yes, that is what they say, 1 blog post for their cause=food for 50 hungry children :)
My few cents for these kids of India. May your futures be the brightest, kids :)
For donations, http://www.akshayapatra.org/why-donate