And starts the Z-A challenge today!
26 days, 26 alphabets, 26 posts.
Yes, i am excited! So looking forward to zip up this challenge with ideas, creativity and enthusiasm. I personally think this is extremely self motivating and invigorating to find the best suitable word originating from a specific alphabet and putting a blog entry relevant to it.
Here is what i mean:
I have participated in a Z-A challenge (Host: My fellow blogger LEO), where we, all participants will write or at least try to write 26 posts on 26 days of November, excluding Sundays.
One new alphabet everyday
In the sequence of Z to A,
A new word daily,
Like Z as in Zip,
All creative minds together,
From toe to tip :)
PS: He writes here and you are welcome to read more about this challenge here.
I Know Where To Find You..
10 years ago